The Inner Mountain Foundation is a global community empowering women to stand up, speak out, and make a difference, starting with the first step of doing the work within, to overcome the limiting beliefs that us back from becoming the best version of ourselves possible.


Our Mission

We promote the empowerment of women all across the globe through education, community, and outreach.


Our Vision

We envision a world of empowered women who lead, nurture, and inspire those around them – starting with themselves – through the strength they uncover within after climbing and discovering their Inner Mountains.

7 Principles of The Inner Mountain


Spiritual & Material


Power from Within


Confidence from The


Success is in the Self


Sustainability through


Inspiration through


Global Change
through Individual

As a global foundation and women’s empowerment community, we invest in impact-making educational resources that we seek to make as broadly accessible as possible. Our goal is to focus the work of the Inner Mountain on the soft skills training that we believe helps equip women to be their greatest, most empowered selves across their most wholly integrated life (connecting the self with work, family, community, and legacy).


The Importance of Women’s Communities

We believe it is vital to build up and empower communities for women, providing access to various entrepreneurial resources, training, information, and funding for women-owned businesses.

Our Journey to The Spiritual Silk Road

In the ancient world, the city of Dunhuang connected the silk road between the East and West worlds, which symbolized material prosperity. But, Dunhuang is also revered for it’s high cultural/spiritual achievements, like the Mogao Caves. The combination of these two aspects, the material and the spiritual, has made Dunhuang an immortal symbol of Chinese civilization, enduring in the long history of China.

The Inner Mountain aims to mirror the story of ancient Dunhuang.

In the last two decades we have succeeded in building a digital silk road as DHgate, connecting online buyers and sellers all over the world. Now we seek to echo the spiritual fulfillment of ancient Dunhuang by establishing our own women’s empowerment community — helping cultivate spiritual prosperity on the basis of material success.

The technology boom has been great, but it has not been without challenges. We have established a means for material success using technology through DHgate and now we want to pursue spiritual success by establishing a community to allow women to help each other solve challenges and find fulfillment.