Initial Aspiration _ Looking Back, Our Original Intention Remains Unchanged

Inner Mountain’s original intention is to lead every woman on a spiritual journey.
Founder Diane Wang shares her mystical connection with Dunhuang and the origins of Inner Mountain.
Looking back helps us better understand everything about Inner Mountain.

LOGO Story _ Small Yet Significant, The First Draft Was The Final Decision

Inner Mountain’s logo encompasses magnificent scenery, rich colors, and the four elements representing life.
An American design team that had never been to Dunhuang or seen the desert completed this design with “guidance from the universe.”

Balance _ To Go Far, Balance Is Essential

Inner Mountain is our spiritual anchor, supporting us in achieving a balance between spirit and matter, complementing each other.
Ultimately, everyone will achieve spiritual peace and abundance.

Inner Stillness and Calmness _ Only When Settled Can One Be Calm, Only When Calm Can One Be Peaceful

The underlying frequency of Inner Mountain is unconditional love and the guardianship of tranquility.
Inner Mountain provides an open, inclusive, safe, and warm space for everyone to freely explore themselves.

Look Within _ Observe Your Own Heart, Clear Away Confusion to See Wisdom

Inner Mountain’s most important trait is the belief that only by breaking inner self-limitations and freeing oneself can one gain true strength.
At Inner Mountain, we are all “Inners”, constantly seeking truth inward and discovering ourselves;
At Inner Mountain, you can be any form, have any idea, you just need to live your true self.

Path _ Explore – Break Through – Live Up

Inner Mountain breaks down the process of “living your true self” into a three-step path: “explore – break through – live up.”
In this process, we need to redefine who we are and what success means.
At Inner Mountain, we all explore our inner mountains and find our own growth rhythm.

Community _ Everyone is the Protagonist

Inner Mountain is a base camp, our foothold, our soil, our spiritual home.
In the safe, warm, open, inclusive, and supportive space of Inner Mountain, partners nurture each other and grow together.
The Inner Mountain community is a self-empowering, self-evolving, sustainable common-good enterprise belonging to everyone.

Water Alike _ The Best Virtue is Like Water, Everlasting

The uniqueness of Inner Mountain lies in injecting a culture like water into the business world.
Here, we advocate for creating enterprises value staff-wellbeing and wellness, pursuing beauty rather than scale;
We avoid the law of the jungle, choosing to connect, inspire each other, grow together, and succeed individually.

Guardian _ Nurturing a New Earth Civilization

In the future, Inner Mountain will exist in different cities around the world, each small community without a unified template, but with a common essence – women help women.
We guard every soul that insists on being itself, and every person trying to make the world a better place.
This is how we guard our fragile yet beautiful world.