Jade Pruett is a successful entrepreneur who fearlessly pursued her dreams and built her business from the ground up, hello SEO, a boutique SEO service for startups and small businesses of institutions. Jade Pruett is a member of femx, a female-owned coworking space in Colombia that creates a supportive and inclusive environment for female entrepreneurs, professionals and freelancers, and advice from a mentor at femx Next, Jade Pruett embarked on her SEO journey. SEO is a male-dominated industry. When she first entered the SEO field, because there were fewer women, Jade Pruett was called a “rainbow-colored business card.” She also endured unimaginable psychological pressure. Despite feeling intimidated and out of place, she was determined to make her mark in the business world. As time went by, Jade Pruett continued to consolidate her professional knowledge and her confidence grew. She proudly declared her expertise in SEO and joined forces with like-minded people to start hello SEO. For Jade Pruett, starting hello SEO was a redemptive and exciting time where she could showcase her talents and incorporate her passion into her presentation. Jade Pruett is a true example of how passion, determination, and confidence can win in the business world.