In this episode, we invited Jeff Matlow to discuss the challenges that women face in the workplace and topics such as how women can plan their careers, enhance their leadership and competitiveness in the professional arena. Jeff Matlow currently serves as the CEO and COO of By Title Only, a company dedicated to promoting women’s leadership. He is a highly regarded business consultant and executive leadership coach with expertise in areas such as B2B, B2C, and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG). He is committed to empowering women leaders, helping them overcome workplace challenges, and achieving growth in their professional lives. Not only is he an advocate for women executives, but also a proud father supporting his daughter’s entrepreneurial journey.In the program, Jeff Matlow shares his life journey from the music industry to successfully founding several companies in marketing and e-commerce. He has dedicated himself to assisting female founders of mid-sized companies and supporting the professional growth of women executives. Jeff Matlow emphasizes the importance of empathy as a crucial component of leadership, noting that women often possess more empathy than men. He believes that women can be better leaders and are more willing to become better leaders. However, he acknowledges that gender bias in the workplace and psychological factors like the “imposter syndrome” may hinder women’s progress. Despite these challenges, Jeff Matlow encourages women to value themselves, listen to their inner voice, and bravely pursue what they want to achieve in their careers.